
So many people telling me one way, So many people telling me to stay, Never had time to have my mind made up, Caught in a motion that I don't wanna stop.

This is my 25th entry on this web journal. I have shared a lot with you. I have grown up quite a bit in the last year. Increments of maturity have been built through kilometers of running, sentences written, failed projects, enlightening conversations, new relationships, traveling and all sorts of crazy experiences. This first year as a truly independent man has been documented to the world through this journal.

For those of you who didn’t notice, each one of my journal entries was inspired by a different song but titled by my favorite lyric of that song. This collection of 25 paints a self portrait. I have shared a total of two short stories, one collection of college essays, one self interview, one letter to future PCVs, a dozen poems and the rest very personal articulated journal entries. Here is the list from the very beginning. You’ll discover that I named my web journal, “The Wait of My Words,” from the very first song. It is one of my favorite songs ever written by one of my favorite bands but I tweaked it for a more optimistic direction.

 What have I learned? Where do I belong? What are my plans for the future? Well if you listen to these songs you might get an answer. They won’t be very specific but you’ll understand the emotions I’m going to through to construct my next direction. Click on each song to take you to the entry that inspired it.

My five favorite are: 14, 22, 17, 18 and 9. I’m hoping that the next 25 journal entries will make an even better playlist, we’ll see.

Carlos Jesus Fernandez-Torres
March 4, 2012

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